Find Your Enterprise Value

Our custom ScaleUp ABM system & AI Agents help you grow by leveraging AI, done-for-you systems, and hard to reach data.

We Catch Whales

Enterprise accounts we find our partners.

Why Scale Your Leads?

We are a tech-first startup leveraging the highest quality data you can find. We know what it takes to reach your ICP and work as your personal growth partner with daily communication and collaboration to build systems that last.

We solve your GTM headaches


Increasing contract values/landing larger deals.


Scale ACV & LTV - Increase contract values by 20%-30%.


Finding the right contact in enterprise companies and hard to find niches.


Agentic ABM - leverage creating a good message with our custom tools we install into your company.


Having limited pipeline velocity due to long sales cycles and not having the speed you want.


Our ScaleUp System - Our system is designed to be sniper accurate and also reach mass market all at once. Once you own our system, you keep it forever.

Hear From Our Happy Clients

Jeremy Boudinet

CMO Textla

“Having limited pipeline velocity due to long sales cycles and not having the speed you want.”

Conrad Niedzielski


Connor and his team at Scale Your Leads did a phenomenal job generating high quality prospects for my business.

Infrastructure Our ScaleUp System

Our system leverages unique data that relates to their company, then goes into the delivery methods of email, linkedin, etc.  then reaches thousands of potential customers per day, leading us to find the right person.

Case Studies That Inspire

$400k in pipeline generated within 45 days

Client profile found

Used car salesmen

Channels used


Gray Falkon

Generated $2m in pipeline within 60 days, Increased average contract values (ACV) by 20%

Average revenue of lead booked:


Client profile found:

VP/Director of eCommerce in brands doing at least $12m /arr in amazon sales

Channels used:

email, linkedin


50 new customers in the first 2 weeks

Report It

15 Meetings /mo



Deals Closed

35+ to Date

Meet the founders

Connor Dixon - CEO
Chandler Ebeling - Co-Founder

Chandler & Connor have helped dozens of companies find the exact scaling system needed in order to grow their business at the pace they want. They prioritize working with high quality companies where they can get passionate about their product just as much as their own.

Book a call to see if you are a good fit


Are there limited spots?

Yes, we only take on a select few companies each month as we like keeping our team as small as possible to ensure higher quality and 1:1 communication

What do you offer?

We have a done-for-you approach where we act as a fractional CRO, finding the best ways to leverage your offer and bring in meetings.

We also have a done-with-you approach where we act as an on-demand CRO, you make requests for lists, campaigns, etc. and use our custom infrastructure to reach the potential clients.

What is your compensation model?

We work with you long term to grow your company as large as possible, offering performance & retainer models or a mix - and aim to price our services so that don’t have to sacrifice long term growth for short term gain.